Friday, May 24, 2024

Questions regarding the Buenos Aires Land Purchase

You may have questions. We anticipated that and you may find your answer here. If not, please contact us at  

Who will own the land?  

Initially the land will be owned by the La Vid Church. The land will be transferred to the New Dawn Church when the New Dawn Church has formed it own leadership.  

What happens if New Dawn Church never grows to have its own leadership? What happens if the church fails?  

We and La Vid are committed to seeing a church planted in Buenos Aires. Based on past history, we know that new leaders may not have the same commitment. Because of this, a contract has been written that the land cannot be sold for the period of 25 years.   

During those years, if the church fails, the land will be held with the hope that a church will be planted. We have seen this happen in others communities (El Montaña). El Montaña lost momentum and then after 4 years, a group formed to restart the church and today El Montaña has a strong established church.  

If after 25 years, there is no church and no one is pursuing a church, the land may be sold the proceeds will be used to help other church planting efforts in the area. La Vid will oversee this.

Is there a reason you asked La Vid to help?

Yes. La Vid has a very good history of helping small church plants. Ivan, a friend and church planter, started a church in La Joya. Due to health, Ivan had to leave and asked La Vid if they could continue the work until this new church was established. Eduardo has been very involved with this and tells me that they are at the point in which La Vid is able to step way, leaving a brother sister church, which is called Iglesia Emmanuel.

Also, Becky and I consider La Vid our home church in the Dominican Republic. Our church planting partners Eduardo and Miriam are leaders at the La Vid church. The four of us are working together to plant the New Dawn Church.  

In addition to us, there are many in the La Vid church that have a connection with the Buenos Aires community. There are many connections and love for one another.

The La Vid church is helping with the leadership. What does this relationship look like?  What kind of control does La Vid have? 

La Vid understands that God is going to reach the Dominican Republic through churches. In a country where transportation is a challenge, churches need to be planted in each community so that people can walk to church.  

La Vid comes along side other churches as a brother does to another brother. Currently, the New Dawn church has agreed to submit to our leadership and that of La Vid. But it is for a time and we are all working to build leaders with the New Dawn church so that it can stand on its own.  

Is the goal for the New Dawn church become fully independent? Are they forming under any denomination?

Yes. The goal is for the New Dawn Church to be become an established church, legally independent. Even now, it is considered a brother/sister church of La Vid, along with Emmanuel church (mentioned above) and other Evangelical churches in the area.

At this point there is not talk of joining any denomination. Rather there has been talk of developing a local network or association of Evangelical churches, specifically those that minister in small communities.  


If you have other questions, please write us and we will respond (  

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