Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Photos from Iglesia Cristiana Nuevo Amanecer

In English "New Dawn Christian Church"

Temporary Structure which can be used until we outgrow it.  

Property line along the road.  Shows the new
fence (fall 2023) and gate (Abr. 2024)!

The people are excited that this gate was built as a result of their offerings.

View from upper corner

Two of the first believers in Buenos Aires, Rahdamez and Maria are leading singing!

Wonderful, beautiful people!

Papito sometimes needs help getting to and from Church.

A barbwire fence along the property line that we plan to replace for more security.

The lower potion of the property will house a new church building
 and a pastor's house/classroom space (when needed).

Goats enjoy the foundation of a home started many years ago.

Trained by Eduardo, Jonny preaches on a regular basis.  

Goats are there to eat as much of the vegetation as they want!

View up toward the road from the lower property line.

Another view from the lower property line.

Papito prays daily for the church!

Main street in Buenos Aires.

Coffee anyone!?!

Kids who loved last summer's team!  

Becky and I with La Vid's 3 pastors and their wives

Beautiful Buenos Aires, Dominican Republic!

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