Friday, December 24, 2010

Ministry Snapshot

We thought it might be good to give a snapshot of each of the areas we are working.

El Montana: Working to disciple men and women to become the leaders of the church. We have seen a lot of growth. 2010 was spent helping people turn from sinful patterns, teaching them to forgive, and presenting God's plan for the family. Rick spoke many times in the church and both Becky and Rick lead weekly Bible study groups.

Boma: We have been invited to help the church leaders think about how they minister. Each Wednesday morning we meet with them. We have focused on topics like - Spiritual education for children (in the church and in the home), God's grace, and helping people leave patterns of sin.

Los Calabazos: In 2010 Rick taught on the purpose of the church. This community has a great vision for the community. Rick challenged them to think about the role of their church in the community. In the fall, they decided to make some changes and they started meeting on Sunday mornings.

Buenos Aires: After a community survey in 2009, God led the people in Buenos Aires to start some new ministries. Alex and Carol shared this vision with us in January. 2010 was spent helping them start new ministries to children, youth and adults. In many ways, this is how we want to do ministry. We want to see how God is leading Dominicans and join them as they follow God's leading.

Seminario Biblico: Studying God's Word and relating it to the ministry opportunities and challenges within a local church. In 2010 we finished 3 courses - Old Testament History, Old Testament Prophets and the Life of Christ. 6 men from 3 different communities continue to meet weekly to go deeper. We study outside of class and meet to discuss what we have learned. Rick gives special attention to make sure that the teaching is practical, relating to every day life.

In all of these areas, our focus is to equip leaders. Relationships are key. While we do see many areas that need to be addressed, we listen to hear how God is working and give priority to those areas. At times, because of the patterns in the culture, the challenges in one community have caused us to do some "preventative" teaching in the communities. We are learning and we trust God to guide us as we serve.

There is much more that could be shared but in the interest of keeping this a "snapshot" I will close. If you think this is a good idea, let us know. Our desire is to keep you informed of what we are doing.

We thank you for your partnership. Your prayers are vital. Your communication is encouraging. Your gifts provide for us and the ministry. We feel blessed. We know you do this out of love for the Lord. It is a service to Him. How blessed we are to be a part of the body of Christ, to experience the fellowship within His body. We hope this snapshot is a blessing to you.

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