Thursday, August 06, 2009

Turtles Everywhere!!!

Recently Calvary EFC from MN visited and brought Turtles! "Turtles?...why Turtles" We kind of had the same question. But each turtle has a pocket and in the pocket is a piece of paper with a message or drawing from the child that made the Turtle at their VBS. The message is written in Spanish. What a creative way to involve children in missions!

The team brought about 350 turtles! We have been giving them out at kid's clubs, at schools and even the hospital. Having given out a few of them, it has been interesting to see the reactions. The Turtle itself is cute and the kids love it but the drawing and message is loved by all. For example, a girl named Isabella made a Turtle and the message inside it ended up in a prominent place on the wall in Feyo's room! [To find out who Feyo is, read the blog entre "A morning in August".] I saw it yesterday when at his house.

Thank you Isabella for brightening up Feyo's room with the wonderful message that "God loves you!" And thank you to all the kids at Calvary who Turtles with similar messages!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok, so I followed your post from Facebook to your blog, I saw the turtle picture and I was so surprised! Our VBS in CA made those same turtles! I was a leader and helped the kids stuff the turtles and draw on cards. I'm glad to know that the turtles are actually going places! The kids liked making the turtles, and learning about missions! I hope you are all doing well!