Monday, May 27, 2024

Today we can report that we have MET OUR GOAL! Praise The Lord! Updated September 6.

The property is a rectangle. As gifts were received, we colored in different boxes. Praise God, all the boxes are colored.  God moved many of you to give and in just 3.5 months, we raised funds to buy the land and secure the property for the New Dawn Evangelical Church in Buenos Aires Dominican Republic.  

This was a fun way to see our progress toward buying the property. You gave as the Lord led you to give. A wonderful $10,000 challenge was offered in July and we met the challenge. $39,500 has been given. May God bless you all!

2 Corinthians 8:1-5

 Total given:  $39,500.  Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Questions regarding the Buenos Aires Land Purchase

You may have questions. We anticipated that and you may find your answer here. If not, please contact us at  

Who will own the land?  

Initially the land will be owned by the La Vid Church. The land will be transferred to the New Dawn Church when the New Dawn Church has formed it own leadership.  

What happens if New Dawn Church never grows to have its own leadership? What happens if the church fails?  

We and La Vid are committed to seeing a church planted in Buenos Aires. Based on past history, we know that new leaders may not have the same commitment. Because of this, a contract has been written that the land cannot be sold for the period of 25 years.   

During those years, if the church fails, the land will be held with the hope that a church will be planted. We have seen this happen in others communities (El Montaña). El Montaña lost momentum and then after 4 years, a group formed to restart the church and today El Montaña has a strong established church.  

If after 25 years, there is no church and no one is pursuing a church, the land may be sold the proceeds will be used to help other church planting efforts in the area. La Vid will oversee this.

Is there a reason you asked La Vid to help?

Yes. La Vid has a very good history of helping small church plants. Ivan, a friend and church planter, started a church in La Joya. Due to health, Ivan had to leave and asked La Vid if they could continue the work until this new church was established. Eduardo has been very involved with this and tells me that they are at the point in which La Vid is able to step way, leaving a brother sister church, which is called Iglesia Emmanuel.

Also, Becky and I consider La Vid our home church in the Dominican Republic. Our church planting partners Eduardo and Miriam are leaders at the La Vid church. The four of us are working together to plant the New Dawn Church.  

In addition to us, there are many in the La Vid church that have a connection with the Buenos Aires community. There are many connections and love for one another.

The La Vid church is helping with the leadership. What does this relationship look like?  What kind of control does La Vid have? 

La Vid understands that God is going to reach the Dominican Republic through churches. In a country where transportation is a challenge, churches need to be planted in each community so that people can walk to church.  

La Vid comes along side other churches as a brother does to another brother. Currently, the New Dawn church has agreed to submit to our leadership and that of La Vid. But it is for a time and we are all working to build leaders with the New Dawn church so that it can stand on its own.  

Is the goal for the New Dawn church become fully independent? Are they forming under any denomination?

Yes. The goal is for the New Dawn Church to be become an established church, legally independent. Even now, it is considered a brother/sister church of La Vid, along with Emmanuel church (mentioned above) and other Evangelical churches in the area.

At this point there is not talk of joining any denomination. Rather there has been talk of developing a local network or association of Evangelical churches, specifically those that minister in small communities.  


If you have other questions, please write us and we will respond (  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Photos from Iglesia Cristiana Nuevo Amanecer

In English "New Dawn Christian Church"

Temporary Structure which can be used until we outgrow it.  

Property line along the road.  Shows the new
fence (fall 2023) and gate (Abr. 2024)!

The people are excited that this gate was built as a result of their offerings.

View from upper corner

Two of the first believers in Buenos Aires, Rahdamez and Maria are leading singing!

Wonderful, beautiful people!

Papito sometimes needs help getting to and from Church.

A barbwire fence along the property line that we plan to replace for more security.

The lower potion of the property will house a new church building
 and a pastor's house/classroom space (when needed).

Goats enjoy the foundation of a home started many years ago.

Trained by Eduardo, Jonny preaches on a regular basis.  

Goats are there to eat as much of the vegetation as they want!

View up toward the road from the lower property line.

Another view from the lower property line.

Papito prays daily for the church!

Main street in Buenos Aires.

Coffee anyone!?!

Kids who loved last summer's team!  

Becky and I with La Vid's 3 pastors and their wives

Beautiful Buenos Aires, Dominican Republic!

Buenos Aires - Iglesia Cristiano Nuevo Amanecer Property Plan

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Buenos Aires Prays to Buy Land (Email sent May 19)

Buenos Aires Prays to Buy Land!

 "to equip his people for works of service, so that the

body of Christ may be built up" Ephesians 4:12

Dear friends and family,

In 1997 we led our first mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  In 2007 we moved to the same location to be missionaries.  We have worked in many communities and church plants since then.  One of these is Iglesia Cristiana Nuevo Amanecer, or New Dawn Christian Church, in Buenos Aires, Dominican Republic.
The Story:
Rhadamez and Maria Santos were among the first believers in Buenos Aires.  Under the direction of Don Chucho and Antonia, they founded the local church.  Teams helped in various ways.  For many years the church thrived.  Today Don Chucho and Antonia are with the Lord.  Unfortunately, during a period when the church was struggling, the property was sold and the church closed.
Since then, Rhadamez and Maria have fervently prayed for the church to be reborn.  Buenos Aires needs a local church that serves and reaches its community.  We met regularly with them to pray, initiate a home Bible study, and develop ministry skills.
In 2019, Justin and Jeimmy Smith came to serve with us.  We asked them to work with Rhadamez and Maria to restart the church in Buenos Aires.  Most members from the original church had moved out of the area.  It was a hard ministry and the CoVid pandemic didn’t make things any easier.  God was faithful and a small group was formed.  New believers were added.  After renting a vacant lot and building a temporary structure, Sunday services began.
At each stage, the question of renting or buying was asked.  This is never an easy question to answer.  We felt that we could buy when there was a group of mature believers committed to grow the church so that it is fully establish.  We are very excited to say that we have this today.  We believe God is rebuilding His church in Buenos Aires.  It is a “New Dawn” as the church is named. 
If you are following us, you know that Justin and Jeimmy left to serve in Colombia.  We are very thankful for their work during their time here.  Their leaving motivated other believers to fill the gap and commit to growing the church.  Specifically, the La Vid church chose to support the establishment of New Dawn Church.  On April 14, the pastors confirmed their commitment and affirmed the decision to purchase the land.  Pictures of the church and the property can be seen by clicking the link.  
Today the Buenos Aires church:

  • Worships together every Sunday. (Previously it met 2-3 times per month)
  • Continues weekly prayer meeting and a women’s Bible study.
  • Collects an offering that goes to improve the property and pay electricity.
Soon the Buenos Aires church will:
  • Teach on membership, the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
  • Have outreaches this summer, aimed at engaging young adults. 
The Opportunity:
Ramon Vargas, a friend and church planter, owns the land we have been renting for 3 years.  We partnered with him early in our ministry and are good friends.  Ramon bought this property to build a house but never completed it.  He is excited to see the land become home to the Buenos Aires church.

The lot is 0.26 acres based on a legal survey we did.  It is not a perfect rectangle but is roughly 65 ft wide and 177.6 ft deep.  While level at the entrance, the land slopes down away from the main road.  The plan is to use the first third for outreach activities, the second for a main church building, and the third for a pastor’s house or classrooms.  While renting we cannot make further permanent changes on the land.  (Property Plan
In December, we asked Ramon what it would cost to buy the lot.  He gave us a very good price (until the end of 2024):  US $39,500.  It is well under the land’s value.  In fact, we know that Ramon received a much higher offer.  (Land prices have been rising exponentially in our area since 2020.)  The price includes the cost of the lot and other associated expenses.
Will you partner with the Buenos Aires church by helping it to buy property?  
$39,500 may seem like a big ask.  With God’s great support, it is possible!  We have been blessed with many faithful supporters.  Your support is helping small church plants become established.  Buying land will give this church a permanent “earthly” home, a place to minister, in a community that needs a good church.  Please consider helping to purchase this land.
What about the local church?  What are they doing?  Through tithes and offerings some of the monthly rent has been paid and they are working to enclose the property (a part of  buying land).  Last fall a fence was built along the road.  In April, a sliding gate was added.  To raise money, some are selling items and giving the proceeds to the church.
Please pray and consider how God can use you to establish His church in Buenos Aires. Buying the land gives the church the right to modify it for future ministry.  The temporary structure will be used for services until we outgrow it.  Thank you for your support to Iglesia Cristiana Nuevo Amanecer (New Dawn Christian Church) in Buenos, Aires, DR.
More questions?  Click here for more details!
Gifts may be directed to:
If you wish to give to this project, please let us know of your gift ( 
To give online - click here - Dominican Development Fund (63755)  and write in the comment area “BA Property”
To give by check – Write your check to United World Mission.  Put “Account 63755” in the memo line and send it to:  
              United World Mission
              PO Box 602002
              Charlotte, NC 28260-2002 

To see the progress toward reaching our goal - Click here for a fun way to see our progress!
In other news...United World Mission name change is coming SOON:  Yes, you read that right. The "reveal" is coming very soon. The new name will bring changes (things like our email and who checks are written too) but you can be assured that the 'old' methods will still work for quite a while during a time of transition. UWM is planning to roll out the new name with minimal disruption to donors and partners.  

Thank you so much for your partnership through the years.

Trusting God in all things!
Rick and Becky Mackey

Monday, July 30, 2018

2018 Summer Update

Every once and a while, it's good to give a quick summary of what has been happening.  These past few months, we have been traveling in the USA and sharing.  But our time in the USA was shortened and we feel we haven't had the opportunity to meet with everyone we would have liked.  A lot has been happening.  Whether we have been able to visit with you or not, this will provide a good overview of the last few years.  Thank you for being a part of what God is doing!

In the last two years we transitioned away from working with one church and have been joining the church planting efforts of a new association of churches in the D.R.  It's been painful to separate from Nueva Vida in Jarabacoa.  But it's also been exciting and energizing to join the ministries of the Bendicion Church in Los Higos.  You can read more below as we give a recap of some specific churches.

Iglesia Vida Nueva in El Montana:  This church has seen many ups and downs, but is finally legally incorporated as a church and independent from its mother church.  Pastor Damazo is mentoring a young man to become a pastor and with 30 adult members the church is actively evangelizing and discipling others.  We have played a supportive but decreasing role in their development.

Iglesia Nueva Vida in Buenos Airies:  When we returned to the U.S. in 2015 we left the Buenos Aires church with a heavy heart as they were struggling through some conflicts.  The mother church had was intervening and we hoped things would have healed by the time we returned to the D.R.  Unfortunately, when we returned to the D.R. we learned the church had been closed and the property was being sold.  This has been the most difficult situation we have faced in our time in the D.R.  The believers in Buenos Aires do want to see the church reopened.  We met with a remnant of the believers for about a year, praying and learning key principles from the Bible.  Please pray with us as we return in August with the hope that in our upcoming term a new church would be re-planted there.

Iglesia Boma:  The faithful of Boma continue to worship together and show love and compassion for their community as its young people move to cities where there is better educational and job prospects.  Valle, a farmer, has made it a habit to load his motorcycle with surplus produce and visit remote cottages to bring spiritual and physical nourishment.  Enrique and Blanca continue to serve the needs of the church and community.  

Iglesia Bendicion in Los Higos:  During this last term we began to support the Ministry of Blessing church in their efforts to train mature leaders and reach the youth of their community.  U.S. teams have played a role by providing sports activities and works of God’s love in the community.  We look forward to broadening our role by becoming involved in the “Ministry of Blessing” association of churches throughout the island.  This will present more and more opportunities.

And now for the most exciting news!!!  We have teammates!  Gil and Danna Leon are wrapping up a year of language study in Costa Rica and fly to the D.R. the first week of September. Jeimmy and Justin Smith are in the home stretch of raising their support, hopefully in 2019 they will join us as well.  Pray for them as this last percentage of support is the hardest to accomplish and they are more than ready to join the work.

Upon arrival both families will take some time to acculturate and build trusting relationships before diving into full time work. Watch for updates on an expanding ministry as we target some new rural areas for planting churches and investigate prospects in other parts of the island. 

We arrived in the Dominican Republic in May of 2007.  It's hard to believe we have been there over 10 years.  It has been a challenging but exciting time.  And many of you have been with us the whole way.  Thank you to those who have and thank you to those who have joined us since along the journey.  

God has done a great work in our life, in the lives of many Dominicans and in Dominican churches.  We have all been a part of that but to God, we give the glory!  Praise Him.

Friday, June 02, 2017

Ministry Van has been purchased!

We are very excited to announce that we have bought a ministry van!  

How did this happen?  Many times in the past 10 years, we have thought how wonderful it would be to have a van.  It can be used weekly serving the different churches.  And it would be used by teams (2 are coming this summer!).  This past winter, I raised the question again with a close friend who knows quite a bit about our life and ministry.  I didn’t hear back for a while but then one day, he called and said his church had considered this need and would like to contribute $10,000 towards buying a van.  I was stunned, and am still stunned!  Since then, we have shared this need and we have raised a huge amount totaling $21394!  Praise the Lord!

Along with this friend and few others, we created a van policy.  The van policy includes things like that it would be a ministry vehicle that would be used by United World Mission’s ministries and also directs that it’s maintenance would be paid by those who use the van.

So, praise God, the van you see pictured is our Ministry Van!  It is a 2007 Nissan Urvan and holds 15 passengers.  

Finding the right van was a lot harder then I expected.  Originally we hoped to buy a newer van but as we saw prices and compared vans, this one was in the best condition.  Just a few days ago, I looked at a 2013 van and I didn't even bother calling my mechanic.  It wasn't in the same condition as this one.  The mechanics, after looking over a few 2011 vans, looked at me and said, none of these are as good as the 2007.  Buy the 2007. 

So we are excited.  A van will be a great ministry tool, opening up many opportunities that we haven't considered due to the challenges of transportation. 

In addition to the front row, it 
has 4 passenger rows.  It holds 15. The seats you see are covered with pretty worn leather covers.  Eventually, we will replace these.  In this picture, the back row is folded up, which is great for airport runs.

We want to say a HUGE thank you for all the gifts and prayers.  And I want to pass on a thank you from Pastor Damazo (El Montaña) and Pastor Jesus Delgado (Los Higos) who have been praying with us here for the right vehicle and the right price.  Praise God!

¡Vaya con Dios!  (Go with God!)

(Updated 6/5 with pictures from the van we bought!)